
    Products: 159 products

    The Best Skating Protection & Equipment

    Regardless of whether you’re a beginner or a pro, whether you skateboard, inline skate, roller skate or ride scooters, we recommend wearing skating protection. We offer a large range of scooter, skateboard and skating helmets that have all been tested and meet British safety standards making them suitable for any type of skating or riding scooters.

    We also have triple pad sets that include knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards which are suitable for both children and adults. Aside from a helmet one of the most important pieces of protection has to be wrist guards, your hands are incredibly useful and even a small awkward fall can lead to a break, for a small investment keep your hands safe.

    Aside from helmets and wrist guards, at Slick Willie’s we stock knee pads and elbow pads which are perfect for skating, scooter riding and skateboarding. Knee pads tend to feature a contoured form-fitting design ensuring maximum mobility and more importantly, safety.

    We also stock the amazing Triple 8 bumsaver shorts, these are definitely worth investing in if you are an avid Roller Derby skater. These particular shorts protect not only your bum, but your hips, thighs and tailbone making that inevitable fall a little more bearable.

    For any advice on skating protection or sizing please just get in touch and we can answer any questions you may have. Alternatively, you can take a look at our skating protection buying advice guide for more tips.